The Crusca online

With the Lexicography of the Crusca Online, the Accademia della Crusca publishes the content of the five editions of the Vocabolario degli Accademici on the web.
The project of digitalization, already completed for the first edition, has been extended to the following three editions (1623, 1691, 1729-1738), allowing a quick and methodical inquiry, with advanced search features that permit the selection of specific sections of each edition of the Vocabolario (definitions, examples, Greek and Latin words, foreign words, idiomatic expressions, proverbs, words in current usage, sources), but also the constant comparison of the different editions.
This will make it possible to follow the stages of development of the lexicographic work undertaken by the Academicians as well as the changes in the Italian language that they have recorded through the centuries.
Part of the project also includes a database of images for the five editions: the nearly 20,000 pages in all can be ‘leafed through’ online like virtual volumes, but it will also be possible to access the entries with a dedicated search engine which will automatically identify the page containing the search item, within a specified edition or in all of them, offering again the chance to compare one volume with another to view the evolution of any one entry from the first (1612) to the last edition (1863-1923).
For the IT part of the project the Accademia made use of its collaboration with the Opera del Vocabolario Italiano while designing the database and defining the markup system in XML/TEI. The search engine has been developed together with the MICC - Media Integration and Communication Center of the University of Florence.
The project has been financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with the Otto per Mille funds.
ISBN: 9788889369838
Directors of the project: Massimo Fanfani, Marco Biffi.
Design of the database: Domenico Iorio Fili, Andrea Boccellari, Massimo Fanfani, Marco Biffi.
Definition of the XML/TEI markup: Domenico Iorio Fili, Andrea Boccellari.
Transcription and markup of the text: Claudia Bichi, Silvia Dardi, Fiammetta Fiorelli, Rossella Gasparrini, Cecilia Palatresi.
Trascription and processing of the entries of the fifth edition: Marina Bongi.
Transcription of the Greek text: Elena Bonaccini, Mariella Canzani, Giulio Niccoli.
Direction of the project and implementation of the software for the search engine: Alberto Del Bimbo (MICC - Media Integration and Communication Center).
Lexicographic Statistics
- 20.000 pages in facsimile
- 209.547 forms
- 11.605.463 occurrences
- 142.169 total entries
- 400.715 authors' examples
- 6.443 expressions of living usage
- 2.658 proverbs
- 35.779 idioms
- 32.614 Latin forms
- 26.076 Greek forms